title |
Quantum Systems for Information Technology
number |
402-0577-00L |
semester |
WS 2008/09 |
lecturer |
Andreas Wallraff
periodicity |
every year |
language |
Englisch |
exam |
additional information |
short description |
Introduction to experimental quantum information processing (QIP). Quantum bits. Coherent Control. Quantum Measurement. Decoherence. Microscopic and macroscopic quantum systems. Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) in molecules and solids. Ions and neutral atoms in electromagnetic traps. Charges and spins in quantum dots. Charges and flux quanta in superconducting circuits. Novel hybrid systems.
content |
A syllabus will be provided on the class web server at the beginning of the term (see section 'Besonderes').
aim of class |
In recent years the realm of quantum mechanics has entered the domain
of information technology. Enormous progress in the physical sciences
and in engineering and technology has allowed us to envisage building
novel types of information processors based on the concepts of quantum
physics. In these processors information is stored in the quantum state
of physical systems forming quantum bits (qubits). The interaction
between qubits is controlled and the resulting states are read out on
the level of single quanta in order to process information. Realizing
such challenging tasks may allow constructing an information processor
much more powerful than a classical computer. The aim of this class is
to give a thorough introduction to physical implementations pursued in
current research for realizing quantum information processors. The
field of quantum information science is one of the fastest growing and
most active domains of research in modern physics.
script |
Electronically available lecture notes will be published on the class web server (see section 'Besonderes').
literature |
Quantum computation and quantum information / Michael A. Nielsen &
Isaac L. Chuang. Reprinted. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press ;
2001.. 676 p. : ill.. [004153791].
Additional literature and reading material will be provided on the class web server (see section 'Besonderes').
special notes |
The class will be taught in English language.
Basic knowledge of quantum mechanics is required, prior knowledge
in atomic physics, quantum electronics, and solid state physics is