Topics: |
Superconducting Circuits - Introductory/Review Articles |
Clarke, J & Wilhelm, FK |
Superconducting quantum bits |
Nature 453, 1031 (2008)
Schoelkopf, RJ & Girvin, SM |
Wiring up quantum systems |
Nature 451, 664 (2008)
Wendin, G; Shumeiko, VS |
Superconducting Quantum Circuits, Qubits and Computing |
arXiv:cond-mat/0508729 (2005)
Devoret, MH; Wallraff, A; Martinis, JM |
Superconducting Qubits: A Short Review |
arXiv:cond-mat/0411174 (2004)
1. Superconducting Circuits I - Local two-qubit couplings and gates |
Plantenberg JH; de Groot PC; Harmans CJPM; et al. |
Demonstration of controlled-NOT quantum gates on a pair of superconducting quantum bits |
Nature 447, 836 (2007)
Niskanen AO; Harrabi K; Yoshihara F; et al. |
Quantum coherent tunable coupling of superconducting qubits |
Science 316, 723 (2006)
Hime T; Reichardt PA; Plourde BLT; et al. |
Solid-state qubits with current-controlled coupling |
Science 314, 1427 (2006)
Yamamoto, T; Pashkin, YA; Astafiev, O; et al. |
Demonstration of conditional gate operation using superconducting charge qubits |
Nature 425, 941 (2003)
2. Superconducting Circuits II - Coupling qubits via a cavity |
Hofheinz, M; Weig, EM; Ansmann, M; et al. |
Generation of Fock states in a superconducting quantum circuit |
Nature 454, 310 (2008)
Majer J; Chow JM; Gambetta JM; et al. |
Coupling superconducting qubits via a cavity bus |
Nature 449, 443 (2007)
Sillanpaa MA; Park JI; Simmonds RW |
Coherent quantum state storage and transfer between two phase qubits via a resonant cavity |
Nature 449, 438 (2007)
Wallraff, A; Schuster, DI; Blais, A; et al. |
Strong coupling of a single photon to a superconducting qubit using circuit quantum electrodynamics |
Nature 431, 162 (2004)
Semiconductor Quantum Dots - Introductory/Review Articles |
Hanson, R & Awschalom, DD |
Coherent manipulation of single spins in semiconductors |
Nature 453, 1043 (2008)
Hanson, R; Kouwenhoven, LP; Petta, JR; et al. |
Spins in few-electron quantum dots |
Reviews of Modern Physics 79, 1217 (2007)
3. Semiconductor Quantum Dots I - Laterally confined |
Nowack, KC; Koppens, FHL; Nazarov, YV & Vandersypen, LMK et al. |
Coherent control of a single electron spin with electric fields |
Science 318, 1430 (2007)
Koppens, FHL; Buizert, C; Tielrooij, KJ; et al. |
Driven coherent oscillations of a single electron spin in a quantum dot |
Nature 442, 766 (2006)
Petta, JR; Johnson, AC; Taylor, JM; et al. |
Coherent manipulation of coupled electron spins in semiconductor quantum dots |
Science 309, 2180 (2005)
Elzerman, JM; Hanson, R; van Beveren, LHW; et al. |
Single-shot read-out of an individual electron spin in a quantum dot |
Nature 430, 431 (2004)
4. Semiconductor Quantum Dots II -Vertically confined |
Robledo, L; Elzerman, J; Jundt, G; et al. |
Conditional dynamics of interacting quantum dots |
Science 320, 772 (2008)
Berezovsky, J; Mikkelsen, MH; Stoltz, NG; et al. |
Picosecond coherent optical manipulation of a single electron spin in a quantum dot |
Science 320, 349 (2008)
Atature M; Dreiser J; Badolato A; et al. |
Quantum-Dot Spin-State Preparation with Near-Unity Fidelity |
Science 312, 551 (2006)
5. Semiconductor Quantum Dots III - Controlling nuclear spin decoherence |
Reilly, DJ; Taylor, JM; Petta, JR; et al. |
Suppressing spin qubit dephasing by nuclear state preparation |
Science 321, 817 (2008)
Amasha, S; MacLean, K; Radu, IP; et al. |
Electrical control of spin relaxation in a quantum dot |
Physical Review Letters 100, 046803 (2008)
Hanson, R; Dobrovitski, VV; Feiguin, AE; et al. |
Coherent dynamics of a single spin interacting with an adjustable spin bath |
Science 320, 352 (2008)
Greilich A; Shabaev A; Yakovlev DR; et al. |
Nuclei-induced frequency focusing of electron spin coherence |
Science 317, 1896 (2007)
Ion Traps - Introductory/Review Articles |
Blatt and Wineland |
Entangled states of trapped atomic ions |
Nature 453, 1008 (2008)
6. Ion Traps - State of the art quantum gates |
Benhelm, J; Kirchmair, G; Roos, CF & Blatt R |
Towards fault-tolerant quantum computing with trapped ions |
Nature Physics 4, 463 (2008)
Monz, T; Kim, K; Haensel, W; et al. |
Realization of the quantum Toffoli gate with trapped ions |
(not yet published) arXiv:0804.0082 (2008)
Schmidt-Kaler, F; Haffner, H; Riebe, M; et al. |
Realization of the Cirac-Zoller controlled-NOT quantum gate |
Nature 422, 408 (2003)
Leibfried, D; DeMarco, B; Meyer, V; et al. |
Experimental demonstration of a robust, high-fidelity geometric two ion-qubit phase gate |
Nature 422, 412 (2003)
7. Ion Traps - First realizations of algorithms |
Chiaverini, J; Britton, J; Leibfried, D; et al. |
Implementation of the semiclassical quantum Fourier transform in a scalable system |
Science 308, 997 (2005)
Riebe, M; Haffner, H; Roos, CF; et al. |
Deterministic quantum teleportation with atoms |
Nature 429, 734 (2004)
Barrett, MD; Chiaverini, J; Schaetz, T; et al. |
Deterministic quantum teleportation of atomic qubits |
Nature 429, 737 (2004)
Gulde, S; Riebe, M; Lancaster, GPT; et al. |
Implementation of the Deutsch-Jozsa algorithm on an ion-trap quantum computer |
Nature 421, 48 (2003)
8. Quantum Communication - Quantum Repeaters |
Goebel, AM; Wagenknecht, C; Zhang, Q; et al. |
Multistage entanglement swapping |
Physical Review Letters 101, 080403 (2008)
Yuan, ZS; Chen, YA; Zhao, B; et al. |
Experimental demonstration of a BDCZ quantum repeater node |
Nature 454, 1098 (2008)
Chou, CW; Laurat, J; Deng, H; et al. |
Functional quantum nodes for entanglement distribution over scalable quantum network |
Science 316, 1316 (2007)
Chen, ZB; Zhao, B; Chen, YA; et al. |
Fault-tolerant quantum repeater with atomic ensembles and linear optics |
Physical Review A 1, (2007)
9. Nitrogen-vacancy centers in diamond |
Jiang, L; Dutt, MVG; Togan, E; et al. |
Coherence of an optically illuminated single nuclear spin qubit |
Physical Review Letters 100, 073001 (2008)
Neumann, P; Mizuochi, N; Rempp, F; et al. |
Multipartite entanglement among single spins in diamond |
Science 320, 1326 (2008)
Dutt MVG, Childress L, Jiang L, et al. |
Quantum register based on individual electronic and nuclear spin qubits in diamond |
Science 316, 1312 (2007)
Childress L, Dutt MVG, Taylor JM, et al. |
Coherent dynamics of coupled electron and nuclear spin qubits in diamond |
Science 314, 281 (2006)
10. Solid-state quantum memories |
Morton, JJL; Tyryshkin, AM; Brown, RM; et al. |
Solid-state quantum memory using the 31P nuclear spin |
Nature 455, 1085 (2008)
Neeley, M; Ansmann, M; Radoslaw, C; et al. |
Process tomography of quantum memory in a Josephson-phase qubit coupled to a two-level state |
Nature Physics 4, 523 (2008)