Quantum Device Lab

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Atomic Quantum Technologies

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Project Facts

Programme: EU, 7th Framework Programme FP7
Type: Cooperation - Information & Communication Technologies
Duration:February 2010 to January 2013
Hompage:For the homepage of the project click here...

Project Description

Given the solid scientific basis built upon previous Quantum Information Processing and Communication achievements, and taking into account the current developments, we see that the atomic, molecular and optical (AMO) systems with a full control of multi-particle quantum states have unique advantages for quantum information science. In order to support and further develop these new and essential evolutions, the overall objectives of the AQUTE project are:

  1. To develop quantum technologies based on AMO systems for:
  1. scalable quantum computation;
  2. entanglement-enabled technologies like metrology and sensing.

  1. To establish and exploit new interdisciplinary connections, coming from AMO physics, but also including concepts and experimental settings of solid state systems, in order to:

  1. reinforce interdisciplinary links at the frontiers of quantum information science, and other fields of physics or science in general;
  2. conceive and realize novel hybrid systems that couple in a coherent way physically different quantum degrees of freedom.

Obj. A will be pursued along two complementary directions:

  • a bottom-up approach, where individually trapped atomic particles are combined into elementary general-purpose quantum processors including qubit interconnects;
  • a top-down approach, where many-particle atomic systems are employed to realize special-purpose quantum processors, for instance quantum simulators.

Groundbreaking work in qualitatively new directions is also needed to lay the foundations for the future attainment of scalable fault-tolerant architectures. AQUTE will thus also:

  • investigate new experimental systems that have become available in the laboratory and are of direct relevance for Quantum Information Foundations and Technologies (QIFT);
  • optimize existing and develop novel theoretical concepts for quantum processing.

Obj. B connects atomic quantum technologies for QIFT to a wider context, by:
  • exploring hybrid approaches to QIFT beyond AMO physics;
  • improving connections between QIFT and science in general, following the emergence of a new quantum paradigm at the frontier of nanosciences and information sciences.

These research lines determine the structuring of the AQUTE workplan into four deeply interrelated Sub-Projects: Entangling gates and quantum processors, Hybrid quantum systems and interconnects, Quantum Simulators and Quantum Technologies.

Andreas Wallraff


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