Superconducting Circuits - Introductory/Review Articles |
Clarke, J & Wilhelm, FK |
Superconducting quantum bits |
Nature 453, 1031 (2008)
Schoelkopf, RJ & Girvin, SM |
Wiring up quantum systems |
Nature 451, 664 (2008)
Devoret, MH; Martinis, JM |
Implementing Qubits with Superconducting Integrated Circuits |
Quant. Inf. Proc. 3 163 (2004)
You, JQ; Nori, F |
Superconducting Circuits and Quantum Information |
Physics Today 58 42 (2005)
Semiconductor Quantum Dots - Introductory/Review Articles |
Hanson, R & Awschalom, DD |
Coherent manipulation of single spins in semiconductors |
Nature 453, 1043 (2008)
Hanson, R; Kouwenhoven, LP; Petta, JR; et al. |
Spins in few-electron quantum dots |
Reviews of Modern Physics 79, 1217 (2007)
Ion Traps - Introductory/Review Articles |
Blatt and Wineland |
Entangled states of trapped atomic ions |
Nature 453, 1008 (2008)
NMR - Introductory/Review Articles |
Gershenfeld and Chuang |
Bulk Spin-Resonance Quantum Computation |
Science 275, 350 (1997)
Vandersypen and Chuang |
NMR techniques for quantum control and computation |
Rev. Mod. Phys. 76, 1037 (2004)
Topic references: |
1. Local coupling of superconducting qubits |
Plantenberg JH; de Groot PC; Harmans CJPM; et al. |
Demonstration of controlled-NOT quantum gates on a pair of superconducting quantum bits |
Nature 447, 836 (2007)
Yamamoto, T; Pashkin, YA; Astafiev, O; et al. |
Demonstration of conditional gate operation using superconducting charge qubits |
Nature 425, 941 (2003)
2. Coupling superconducting qubits via a cavity |
DiCarlo, L; Chow, J; Gambetta, JM; et al. |
Demonstration of two-qubit algorithms with a superconducting quantum processor |
Nature 460, 240 (2009)
Hofheinz, M; Wang, H; Ansmann, M; et al. |
Synthesizing arbitrary quantum states in a superconducting resonator |
Nature 459, 546 (2009)
3. Control of single spin qubits in quantum dots |
Nowack, KC; Koppens, FHL; Nazarov, YV & Vandersypen, LMK |
Coherent control of a single electron spin with electric fields |
Science 318, 1430 (2007)
Koppens, FHL; Buizert, C; Tielrooij, KJ; et al. |
Driven coherent oscillations of a single electron spin in a quantum dot |
Nature 442, 766 (2006)
4. Implementing gates in quantum dot spin qubits |
Petta, JR; Johnson, AC; Taylor, JM; et al. |
Coherent manipulation of coupled electron spins in semiconductor quantum dots |
Science 309, 2180 (2005)
5. High fidelity quantum gates in trapped ions |
Benhelm, J; Kirchmair, G; Roos, CF & Blatt R |
Towards fault-tolerant quantum computing with trapped ions |
Nature Physics 4, 463 (2008)
Schmidt-Kaler, F; Haffner, H; Riebe, M; et al. |
Realization of the Cirac-Zoller controlled-NOT quantum gate |
Nature 422, 408 (2003)
Leibfried, D; DeMarco, B; Meyer, V; et al. |
Experimental demonstration of a robust, high-fidelity geometric two ion-qubit phase gate |
Nature 422, 412 (2003)
6. Realizations of the quantum Toffoli gate |
Monz, T; Kim, K; Haensel, W; et al. |
Realization of the quantum Toffoli gate with trapped ions |
Phys. Rev. Lett. 102, 040501 (2009)
Lanyon, BP; Barbieri, M; Almeida, MP; et al. |
Simplifying quantum logic using higher dimensional Hilbert spaces |
Nat. Phys. 5, 134 (2009)
7. Experimental demonstrations of teleportation |
Riebe, M; Haffner, H; Roos, CF; et al. |
Deterministic quantum teleportation with atoms |
Nature 429, 734 (2004)
Barrett, MD; Chiaverini, J; Schaetz, T; et al. |
Deterministic quantum teleportation of atomic qubits |
Nature 429, 737 (2004)
Nielsen, MA; Knill, E; Laflamme, R |
Complete quantum teleportation using nuclear magnetic resonance |
Nature 396, 52 (1998)
Bouwmeester, D; Pan, J-W; Mattle, K; et al. |
Experimental quantum teleportation |
Nature 390, 575 (1997)
8. Experimental violations of Bell inequalities |
Ansmann, M; Wang, H; Bialczak, RC; et al. |
Violation of Bell's inequality in Josephson phase qubits |
Nature 461, 504 (2009)
Matsukevich, D. N.; Maunz, P.; Moehring, D. L.; et al. |
Bell inequality violation with two remote atomic qubits |
Phys. Rev. Lett. 100, 150404 (2008)
Rowe, A; Kielpinski, D; Meyer, V; et al. |
Experimental violation of a Bell's inequality with efficient detection |
Nature 409, 791 (2002)
Weihs, G; Jennewein, T; Simon, C; et al. |
Violation of Bell inequality under strict Einstein locality conditions |
Phys. Rev. Lett. 81, 5039 (1998)
Aspect, A; Grangier, P; Roger, G |
Experimental Realization of EPR-Bohm Gedankenexperiment: A New Violation of Bell's Inequalities |
Phys. Rev. Lett. 49, 91 (1982)
9. The Deutsch-Josza algorithm in NMR |
Jones, JA; Mosca M; et al. |
Implementation of a quantum algorithm on a nuclear magnetic resonance quantum computer |
J. Chem. Phys. 109, 1648 (1998)
Chuang, IL; Vandersypen, LMK; Zhou, X; et al. |
Experimental realization of a quantum algorithm |
Nature 393, 143 (1998)
10. Grover and Shor algorithms in NMR |
Vandersypen, LMK; et al. |
Experimental realization of Shor's quantum factoring algorithm using nuclear magnetic resonance |
Nature 414, 883 (2002)
Jones, JA; Mosca, M; Hansen, RH; et al. |
Implementation of a quantum search algorithm on a quantum computer |
Nature 393, 344 (1998)