
The Quantum Device Lab is engaged in a number of individual and collaborative projects funded by the European Commission and the Swiss National Science foundation. An overview of these projects is presented on this webpage.

Completed Projects

EU, 7th Framework Programme FP7, Initial Training Networks
This network bridges two active disciplines in physics, namely the quantum electrodynamics of atoms or ions strongly interacting with light in resonators, and the emerging field of solid-state superconducting circuit quantum electrodynamics. The interdisciplinary training of a new generation of young researchers ist a major goal of this Marie Curie Initial Training Network.

ERC Starting Independent Researcher Grant
In this project we investigate the strong coherent interaction of light and matter on the level of individual photons and individual atoms or atom-like systems, such as large dipole moment superconducting artificial atoms and natural Rydberg atoms using superconducting electronic circuits.

The goal of the project SOLID is to develop small solid-state hybrid systems capable of performing elementary processing and communication of quantum information. This involves design, fabrication and investigation of combinations of qubits, oscillators, cavities, and transmission lines, creating hybrid devices interfacing different types of qubits for quantum data storage, qubit interconversion, and communication.

EU, 7th Framework Programme FP7
In this project we develop quantum technologies based on atomic, molecular and optical (AMO) systems for scalable quantum computation and for entanglement-enabled technologies like metrology and sensing and we establish and exploit new interdisciplinary connections, coming from AMO physics.

EU, 7th Framework Programme FP7
The aim of this project is to assess the role of geometric manipulations in quantum solid-state devices for future information and communication technology applications and in metrological applications under realistic conditions.